Wednesday, July 26, 2023 update july 26 2023

 Hey it's tom again, just wanted to write real quick about the new look for my personal website. I thought the original design was a bit too on-your-face, a bit too edgy perhaps. My original vision was to make it look like one of these old gothic websites that I vibe with a lot, while painting it in a fresh new coat of paint, but I ended up making it look like some sort of torture chamber, with all the chains in the banner n stuff. I was gonna add some cheap fire gif to the bottom of the screen, but thankfully I forgot to do so. I personally thought it looked awesome, but upon further reflection earlier today I realized it could be too much for some people. Recently I found out that subtlety goes a long way, so I decided to sorta redesign the website, remove a buncha unnecessary decorations and double down on the old web aesthetic (haha yeah right, with that css grid flexbox you FOOL you're using) and honestly I think it looks better and more in line with my original vision this time.

I have my grievances with the whole old web shtick (mostly because of how toxic the community surrounding it can be), as much as I appreciate the dedication to preserving the sense of online individualism big corporations have eventually taken away with mainstream social media, but I think going with that old-looking layout was the best thing I could've done with my website at this current state.

yeah that's it, i don't really have much more to say. thanks for listening.

update i kinda fucked up the sidebar scaling but i will fix this later sorry ok bye

update 2 fuck it i fixed it now lol (flexbox sux use grid instead)

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